Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Big Day

I may sound like a nerd but I'm really excited about the first day of school.  The night before the first day, I'm always excited.  I've already packed my lunch and made sure my clothes are ironed. 

As the year starts, I pray that I will be able to be a light in my classroom, the hallways, and teachers' workroom.  I am very excited about this year.  I've been teaching 3rd grade starting my 9th year.  This year, I am only going to be teaching Science, Writing, and Social Studies.  I'm excited to see what God has in store and can't wait to get to know my students. 

I ask that you continue to pray as the year begins.  We are still waiting to see what God has in store for Steven.  He's applied to sub in Hallsville, as a parole officer, and is applying at Eastman.  We know God has a job in store.

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