Thursday, January 12, 2012


Steven and I have truly learned what it means to walk by faith but we know without a doubt that God is in control.  Last week, he had a job interview for the job that he worked all of last semester.  We thought for sure he would get the job since he had been working there for 4 months.  God closed the door on that job but has continued to provide. 

On Monday, Steven went to all the schools in Hallsville school district and has officially filled ALL days in January and the first few in February with the exception of one day.  He is able to volunteer as a track coach at the high school and loving it.  He enjoys working with Coach McDaniel and learning to be a coach under his mentorship. 

Though we still don't know what God has in store for a full time job for Steven, we are still waiting on His perfect timing.  God knows the desires of our heart and He will continue to take care of us.  We still desire greatly to be parents and still know that we will be in God's perfect timing.

Be in prayer for our youth this weekend as we have our Disciple Now Weekend.  We are excited to see how God is going to work in the lives of all that will be involved.       

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