Wednesday, June 1, 2016

God Answers Prayer

As I look back on our time here in Vermont, I am reminded about the power of prayer.  When we moved to Vermont (with me kicking and screaming), I was sad in so many ways...missing my family and friend, not knowing anyone, missing Texas (and the warm weather), and so much more.  We had no idea why God was moving us so far from everything we knew.  We enjoyed our time exploring New England while it was just the two of us....Boston, Maine, New Hampshire.


We were praying about doing foster care, since we had just finished our training in Texas, but we wanted to get settled first. It wasn't until August 18, 2014 that we knew without a doubt why God brought us to Vermont.  That is the day Sidney came to live with us.  We knew when he came that we would also be getting little sister when she was born as well.....only God knew we would bring her home from the hospital 17 days later. 

We began praying again that we would be able to adopt them so we could be a forever family.  On November 20, 2015, our dream came true.  We became a forever family and flew out for Texas and Disney the following day.  

Soon after the adoption, knowing our moving was coming soon, we began praying that there would be an opening in Shreveport so we could move back home.  God answered that prayer just two days before Mother's Day.  We are now counting down to the time that we are able to move back home and see family anytime we want again.  

God has strengthened my faith and my prayer life has grown so much!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Adoption Day

It has been forever, but it has been so hard to blog with two little ones running around.  It is also hard to blog when there is so much we can't share about our babies. That being said, we are just 3 days away from our adoption day.  On Friday, November 20 at 11:15 a.m. eastern time (15 months and one day from when little man came to live with us), we will officially become Daddy and Mommy.  We have been Daddy and Mommy to them for over a year now, but we are so thankful that we will finally be able to show them off and share them with all of you.  

November is National Adoption Month and we are thrilled to be adoption on National Adoption Day.  We will also be able to celebrate at our home church with two other families that went through all the foster care training with us and have adopted.  When we first starting looking into adoption, we thought for sure we wanted to adopt so we could have a baby.  We never dreamed that going through foster care, God would give us the baby we always dreamed of, and the added bonus of her big brother.  This has been a long journey, and many times very hard, but we wouldn't trade it for the world.  We have no doubt that God brought us to Vermont because our babies were (or would be) here.  Little man was born just months before we found our we were moving here.  When they called and asked us to take him, the condition was that we were to take little miss when she was born so they could keep the siblings together.  We are so thankful we did this.  They are two peas in a pod.  She looks up to her big brother and wants to do everything that he does.  

Thank you for all your love and support during this time.  We have felt all the prayers during that past 15 months.  In a few days, I will be able to share their pictures with you.    

Friday, October 24, 2014

Foster care update

Since the last time I updated, we have gotten little man's sister as well. She was born August 30 and we were able to bring her home from the hospital six days later. She is now nearly 8 weeks old and growing so fast. I wish I could show pictures of them, but can't at this time. 

Please pray that we will get a court date soon for little man. We are waiting for the parental rights to be terminated. For little miss, pray for merits and then a court date for the parents' rights to be terminated. Her process will be a little longer so please pray for these to be soon.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New adventure

Well, we started a new adventure last night. We have our first little one in our home. He is already a joy to have. He is energetic, playful, and happy. Our first night went well so we are praying things continue to go well. Keep us in your prayers during this time.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Vermont....a year in

It has been nearly a year and a lot has happened in out lives. Steven is doing great with his job. I spent the last school year as a sub, ending the year as a full-time sub in kindergarten. I never dreamed I would be a kindergarten teacher, but I loved it!

We have been able to do a lot of traveling while living in New England. We met Mom and Dad in Boston in April. We were able to do most history tours and end the trip with the Rangers playing at Fenway. We went to Kennebunkport, Maine for the 4th of July. We took the dogs with us so they could enjoy the beach as well. We are still hoping to take more trips while here.

On to the news that has us busy right now. We have been getting ready to start foster care. The room is ready and soon we hope to have kiddos running (or crawling) around. We are very excited about this journey. We are praying for the kids that God has in store for us (both temporary and permanent). We hope to adopt from foster care. Please pray for the children God has for us. 

I will try my best to update with our foster/adoption journey. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Life in Vermont

We have been in Vermont just over two months now and things are going pretty good. Steven is doing great at his job and loves it. God is using him in great ways and he is able to share his testimony to those who come in. I am subbing in the area elementary school. This is a change for me since I have had a job since I was 16 years old.

We have been able to do a little traveling and sightseeing while here.  We have made friends at the church we have been going to. We have no doubt that God has placed these friends in our lives for a reason.

Soon we will begin our adoption journey here in Vermont. As I think about the cost of adoption, I get overwhelmed. We both have a passion for adoption and we know God will provide, I am looking into adoption fundraising ideas now. Some ideas I've thought of are t-shirts and having family and friends fill baby bottles with their loose change. If you have anymore ideas, please feel free to share.

This is just a quick update on life in Vermont. We miss our family and friends so much!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Only God Knows

When Steven and I began looking into re-enlisting to become an Air Force Recruiter, we had no idea it would be a nearly year long process. As God opened the door for the job, we were under the impression that we would be in either Shreveport or the DFW area. God had other plans....Burlington, VT to be exact. It is only three to four years but it is still definitely a shock. There are still so many emotions I feel.....excited about the journey, scared about moving somewhere totally different, sad to leave my family and friends, but most of all, I feel peace only from God and faith in Him alone. 

My Mom prayed all along that God would place us where our baby is. We did most of our Foster/Adoption training just before we found out where we would be. We are so excited about adoption and the sweet children that God will bless us with through adoption. 

Right now, Steven is training for his job and it is hard because he is in San Antonio. I miss him but have a great support system here without a doubt. 

Please continue to pray for us as we go on this journey. We will be leaving July 1st to begin the three day drive to Vermont. Pray that I am able to find a teaching job. I have applied for several jobs already. Pray that God will sell our house and we will find a home to live in. Also pray for us as we continue the adoption process when we get there. God wants us to pray specifically, and those are our specifics so far.