Thursday, July 31, 2014

Vermont....a year in

It has been nearly a year and a lot has happened in out lives. Steven is doing great with his job. I spent the last school year as a sub, ending the year as a full-time sub in kindergarten. I never dreamed I would be a kindergarten teacher, but I loved it!

We have been able to do a lot of traveling while living in New England. We met Mom and Dad in Boston in April. We were able to do most history tours and end the trip with the Rangers playing at Fenway. We went to Kennebunkport, Maine for the 4th of July. We took the dogs with us so they could enjoy the beach as well. We are still hoping to take more trips while here.

On to the news that has us busy right now. We have been getting ready to start foster care. The room is ready and soon we hope to have kiddos running (or crawling) around. We are very excited about this journey. We are praying for the kids that God has in store for us (both temporary and permanent). We hope to adopt from foster care. Please pray for the children God has for us. 

I will try my best to update with our foster/adoption journey. 

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