At our neighborhood Bible Study the other night, we were reminded of a great lesson.
In the 2008 Summer Olympics, both US relay teams were winning. As it came to passing the baton from the 3rd to the 4th leg, both teams dropped the baton. Due to the teams dropping the baton, the US lost the Gold.
In our lives as Christians, we are to be "passing the baton." Our lives should be an example to those around us. Everyone around us is watching us to see what example we are setting. Unfortunately, I know speaking for myself, I'm not always setting the example I want to set. I find myself complaining along with others. As girls, we often get caught in the trap of gossiping before we even realize it. People around us are watching to see if we will mess up.
As we learned in Bible study, we often only live through two generations of our family line. How will you pass the baton on to those in the generations after you? I want to leave a legacy of Jesus Christ to those who come behind me. Though we don't have children of our own, we have a neice and 5 nephews. I want them to see Jesus in my life and want to be able to share Him with them so they can pass the baton on to those behind them.
I pray today that I'm living a life that is shining the name of Jesus. I pray that my words and actions will speak His name. I pray that I "pass the baton" on to all who I come in contact with each day.
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