Monday, May 14, 2012

Rangers Game and Mother's Day

This past Friday, we got to go to the Rangers game with our friends, Larry and Julie.  Being that all of us are such HUGE Rangers fans, it made for a really fun time.  We started out a little worried as we traveled there because of all the storm and rain around us.  Of course, there was also a two hour rain delay during the first inning of the game.  We stuck it out and just hung out until the game resumed.  The game starting back up at 9:30 and didn't end until midnight.  After the game, they had fireworks.  We didn't get home until 3:00 in the morning, but it was worth every minute of it.  It was such a blessing to be able to spend time with Larry and Julie and get to visit with them. 

Just after a Rangers 10 - 3 Win

Fireworks after the game

Last night, Steven and I cooked dinner for Mom and Brittany for Mother's Day.  We had a great time hanging out with the family.  We bought Mason and Maddox a t-ball set so they spent time playing outside with that and LOVED it.  When Maddox game in, he kept saying "That's my t-ball."  Maddox is going to be the athlete we all believe...he loves to play sports.

Maddox and I in our Rangers shirts last night.  (Mason wouldn't take a picture).

Mother's Day is a very hard day for me because God has not blessed us with children yet.  I know that in His timing, I'll be able to have children.  I cried yesterday in church but thankfully I had my precious friend, Meagan, patting my back.  I got the sweetest text from Julie telling me that she was praying for me and thinking about me all day.  I'm so blessed to have so many precious friends who are constantly praying for us.  I'm also blessed that they are willing to share their sweet children with me anytime. Thank you for sharing your love and friendship with Steven and I. 

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